Adytia Permana Putra 1,*) , Ai Awaliyah 2,*) , Dian Rahmatuloh 3,*)  , Adam Malik 4,*)
*)  Prodi Pendidikan Fisika UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia.


Abstract. Object experience circular motion will have angular velocity. One of factors influence of angular velocity is radius. this study purpose to know influence radius on angular velocity in circular motion. This study using experiment method who assisted with simple practices tool of uniform circular motion. Data obtained from circular motion experiment using radius who different. The radius is 20 cm and 30 cm. the result from experiment showing that  long radius will obtain angular velocity who smaller from short radius.
Key Word : Experiment Method, Angular Velocity, Circular Motion.

1.      Introduction
Every object which rotating will experience circular motion who produce angular velocity. Circular motion / rotation motion is motion a object which produce orbit like circular who surroundings point of center (Westfall, 1972). Yasin Unsal said that motion an object which have radius r and moving in orbit of circular namely 'circular motion' (Unsal, 2011) angular velocity defined as change of angular position of object who moving circular every time unit (Tipler, 1998). Relationship between linear velocity and angular velocity is

(Halliday & Resnick, 1991)
Information :
    Linear Velocity (m/s)
  Change of Position (m)
   Change of Time (s)
    Angular Velocity (rad/s)
   Chang of Angle (rad)
     Radius (m)
Because a circle have radius, hence angular velocity will influenced by radius. hence :
Our purpose making this study is to know influence radius on angular velocity of a object who moving of uniform circular. Nuri maked study about "moving toward centre" who said that centripetal acceleration, linear velocity, and angular velocity is three of mathematic quantity who draw principal attention to analysing uniform motion a objects who be in circle (Balta, 2015). The study was conducted by Dewanto and Sudarsono in studying about "system modeling of force and traction of wheel", saying that rise traction of wheel larger but rise mentioned not linear  (Dewanto & Sudarsono, 2003). Yulkipli and his friends also was conducted study to calculate angular velocity used fluxgate sensor, who calculated based rev quantities which happen from  a wheel of gear (Yulkifli, Anwar, & Djamsi, 2010)
In this the study, data obtained from practicum tool of circular motion which created by researcher with price which enough cheap, hence the practicum tool can maked by anyone. therefore, this study purposed to know the radius which kind will result larger angular velocity ? long radius ? or short radius ? with used practicum tool was created.

2.      Experiment Methode
Researcher take data as direct to field used experiment method which assisted with practicum tool of circular motion. experiment method is a certain manner for searching relationship between two factors which deliberate appeared by researcher with eliminating or lessing or ignore a factors which disturb.
Data obtained from experiment of uniform circular motion for searching relationship between radius and angular velocity. Independent variable in this study is radius, while the dependent variable is period. hence with period, we can calculate value of angular velocity, with equation :

Experiment executed with use radius different. The radius is 20 cm. and 30 cm with each experiment repeated three times of experiment. Period value measuremented using digital stopwach with carefulness 0.1s
3.      Result and Discussion
a.       Experiment I : Use Radius 20 cm.
On this experiment, researcher obtain result in table form.
Tabel 1 experiment Uniform Circular Motion use radius with long 20 cm
Jari –Jari (m)
Periode (s)
Kecepatan Sudut (Rad/s)
Rata – Rata
Based on table I, using radius with long 20 cm obtain average period 0.6 s. until average angular velocity obtained is 469.4 rad/s. Different period value because practicum tool not yet perfect and use stopwacht not accurate. Hence result from each experiment become average for obtain ideal value.
b.      Experiment II Use Radius 30 cm
Second experiment obtain result in table form :
Tabel 2 experiment Uniform Circular Motion use radius with long 30 cm
Jari –Jari (m)
Periode (s)
Kecepatan Sudut (Rad/s)
Rata – Rata
Tabel 2 show different with table 1. On the tabel 2, average period larger is 1.5 s, while the angular velocity smaller is 252.4 rad/s. Different period value because practicum tool not yet perfect and use stopwacht not accurate. hence result from each experiment become average for obtain ideal value
c.       Comparison of period value on experiment I and II

Graph 1. Comparison of period value on experiment of uniform circular motion use radius 20 cm and 30 cm
Information :
Blue     = Experiment I
Red      = Experiment II
            Graph 1 show that period value on experiment 1 smaller compared experiment 2 . That because different long of radius on each experiment.  Long of radius on experiment 1 is 20 cm obtain average period 0.6 s. Long of rradius on experiment 2 is 30 cm obtain average period 1.5 s. We can see that if longer radius, hence period value will larger. Because in circular motion, period will equal straight with radius
d.      Comparison of angular velocity value on experiment I and II.

Graph  2 Comparison of angular velocity value on experiment of uniform circular motion use radius 20 cm and 30 cm

Information :
Blue     = Experiment I
Red      = Experiment II
On the graph 2, angular velocity on experiment I larger compared experiment II. This because angular velocity influence the period and the period influence the radius. Value of average angular velocity on experiment I is 469.4 rad/s. Result obtained equal with pronouncement Jose in his study about measurement of angular velocity on rotation motion, said that subjects do not estimate a unique global angular velocity, but that they perceive a non-rigid disk, with angular velocity falling inversely proportionally with radius (Barraza & Grzywacz, 2002). Hence that longer radius, angular velocity smaller because in the uniform circular motion, angular velocity equal retrun with radius
4.      Conclusion
Based Data obtained and result was discucc, hence can said that angular velocity influenced by the radius. Because orbit of circular motion is circle . hence will have a radius. Longer radius, period obtained will larger, and larger periode, angular velocity will smaller. So larges radius,angular velocity will smaller.


Balta, N. (2015). Moving Toward Centre. Physics Education, V, 50.
Barraza, J. F., & Grzywacz, N. M. (2002). Measurement of Angular Velocity in the Perception of Rotation. Vision Research, 42, 2457–2462.
Dewanto, J., & Sudarsono, B. (2003). Pemodelan Sistem Gaya Dan Traksi Roda. Jurnal Teknik Mesin, V, 64-69.
Halliday, & Resnick. (1991). Fisika Jilid I (Terjemahan). Jakarta: Erlangga.
Tipler, P. A. (1998). Fisika untuk Sains dan Teknik - Jilid I (Terjemahan). Jakarta: Erlangga.
Unsal, Y. (2011). A Simple Piece of Apparatus to Aid The Understanding of Relationship between Angular Velocity and Linear Velocity. Physics Education, XLVI, 265-269.
Westfall, R. S. (1972). Circular Motion in Seventeenth-Century Mechanics. 63, 184-189.
Yulkifli, Anwar, Z., & Djamsi, M. (2010). Desain Alat Hitung Kecepatan Sudut Berbasis Sensor Magnetik Fluxgate. Jurnal Saintek, II, 56-65.


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